Monday, May 23, 2011

Shilin Night Market

One of the largest night markets in Taiwan happens to be within 50 yards of our hotel. We decided to go check it out Friday night and it has anything and everything! This was my first night out so I didn't get as many pictures as I'd like to. I'll try to post more later.

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Taipei 101

Right after orientation on Friday we headed out into the city. One of our first stops was the world-famous Tapiei 101, once the tallest building in the world. Unfortunately, it was slightly overcast but we still had a great time. The most amazing thing about the view was the fact that almost everything we could see was built in the last 50 years. The city has practically exploded and continues to grow.

I'm standing beside the mass tuned damper, which is responsible for keeping the tower stable during an earthquake or a typhoon. Basically, it transfers the energy that would otherwise sway the tower to the damper. We didn't get to see it in action, but I'm not upset about that at all!

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Welcome Stupid Reed

Our first dinner in Taiwan was at a place called Stupid Reed. We never learned the reasoning behind that name, but it was very good food. I had seafood spaghetti with pesto and for desert, milk tea. I'd never had the milk tea before and I thought it was delicious. This restaurant is only about five minutes from our hotel so I have a feeling we'll be going here often.
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Relase the Hounds.

Little did we know that our quick trip through customs was only a trick. Before we knew it, we had stumbled upon some quarantine beagles and were overcome with a desire to cuddle them. They're not exactly German Shepherds so the intimdation factor wasn't working out in their favor. They did catch a few people with something in their luggage (nobody from our party), so I guess they are effective, just not scary.
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We have arrived!

Our arrival into Taiwan came at 5:30 Friday morning, or 5:30 Thursday evening for those at home. After nearly 12 hours of layovers and multiple delays, we're finally here! We made our way through immigration and customs was nothing more than a walk past an empty desk. It was almost too easy. We either looked really trustworthy or really sleepy. Regardless, it was not the terrible experience it's chalked up to be.
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